We walked to eaton center to meet X. afterwards. I passed by the Body Shop to get these with much stress and hassle haha.

Tea Tree Oil facial wash

Olive Glossing Conditioner
which costed 9$ in total. I saved 10$ with the coupon weeee. I showed the lady the coupon and she said that normally it has to have the name and email address on it but she said she'll still accept it and would make an exception. In my mind: ^__________^. Cashier Guy:"Normally we only accept the orginal coupon as people seem to print the coupon off the internet on a certain site but we'll make an exception for you". <---I printed it from that site aha.
I looked stressed my friend told me.
We went to magic at Guy afterwards where I had my pineapple BBT. After that we walked to the Korean Grocery store near atwater where we bought Kim Bab and I bought dried seaweed also.Then we walked back to the EV building at Guy to wait for a friend.It was 7pm by then already. Finally we walked from Guy to Chinatown (walking back and forth 1000x times today?) and landed in L2. I didn't order any BBT, 1 is enough for the day and had chicken with rice instead.Didn't finish the food boo.
I didn't bring my cam so no pictures, i can't find my cam >_<.
I must not shop until the Guess Warehouse sale,yup yup.
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