I tried to clean the mirror, hopeless =__=.

I have no idea what to wear with this . The front part is longer than the back

The H&M trend coats, buy one get one free + 10$ coupon off = 64$ for both coats =D

I don't want to count how much I spend but everything was on sale so I can't feel bad about it!^^ Okaii, i didn't buy it in one shot but it accumulated during the last 2-3 weeks.I want to go back to Zara but no time, good or bad thing I wonder. There's supposed to be a snowstorm coming up tomorrow, when I finish school at 11pm, great!!!!!!!
Great purchases!
waaaaaaaaaah!!!!! i wanna shop too!! T_____T i'm missing out on all these great sales. i love everything you bought. <3 which one is it that you don't know how to wear? the text is warped on my computer or something. >_<
aha, go go shop and spend wisely =3. I meant the grey dress, yaa the txt is messed up somehow.@___@
@Fruchtzwerg: thank you ^^, you're my inspiration XD!
unfortunately no monies right now. :( i need a job, very badly!!! urghh i wished i could win the lottery!!
ooh that's a dress!! it's soooo cute! i love tiered dresses, but only when the tiers start under the bust, like in the one you bought. ^^ wear it with a long cardigan!! how much was it may i ask?
it was 19.99$ from 39.99$ at Zara ^^.
I wish i live near a Zara store >_< sadly, i don't think they do online purchases.
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