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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Zipia Men

I thought it might be useful for the males out there ^^. The outfits are so fobby, most of my guyf riends would refuse to wear them because they think that it looks gay tststs, little do they know about style.

I've been home all day and all I did was procrastinating like a bitch instead of working on assignments/readings. All that I've been doing is browsing blogs and fashion sites like lookbook or chictopia gaaah. Oh and i baked wannabe cupcakes.I don't know I don't have any motivations or anything when I'm at home. It's been two weeks that school has started, it doesn't feel that way though. I have to do something!!!!!!! I went to H&M last weekend because of the BOGO and got 2 coats ^^. Pics later.

I wish guys would dress like this here.

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