Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I don't know how to wear skirts...

Last Friday, I accompanied a friend to shop for for shorts for her Florida trip and I really didn't plan to buy anything but as always, I ended up with something. H&M had this 20% coupon lying at the shelves everywhere so I used that to buy the Leo scarf and fringe sandals. It's still not even Spring yet and I am getting summer pieces o__O.

I cleaned the mirror but the spots won't go away, I need a new mirror =3.Oh this was today's outfit, yesterday's and sunday's in order.I just went to the library to study today, went home and ate a big bowl of Pho, hungry I was really.And I feel like making cheese fondue, which I have no idea how to prepare it!Maybe this weekend...

Zara Skirt $9.99CAN, it's size M a lil too big for me so my mom had to fix it.
H&M Leopard Scarf $14.90 - 20%, H&M fringe sandals $19.90CAN - 20%.


Anonymous said...

i like yesterday's outfit
haha ;)

Anonymous said...

ahh crap!! i went to h&m today and totally forgot they had a coupon. -o- well anyways i only bought tights so whatever... sniff. ;_;

what do you mean you don't know how to wear skirts haha your outfits look lovely! i love the last look the most. i love your skirt. how come i never find anything cute and super cheap like that at zara. D:

hmmm pho.

saturn said...

ehmm lol, give me some of your curves XD!!I mean everything that I wear looks like a stick grrrrr.

The coupon expired last friday so don't feel bad!

Im hungry again booooo .__.

Anonymous said...

pssh so not true! besides, the ruffles add some shape to any body, if anything. :D

oh it did? -_- oh yeah it did. boo. oh well next time! i thought they only offered coupons in the US though so i was glad haha.

i just had a big sushi dinner and im hungry again too. ;_;

Mickii said...

waii! >< yu don't look like a stick D; you look cute and small~ At least you're not giant like me +_____+
:O 9.99 for the skirt? wah -- you know how to find your clothes. ^^ keep going with your blog ;]

Anonymous said...

wow, i like yesterday's outfit too. very rocky :)