Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Monday, February 9, 2009


Today I went out of the house for the first time after being sick ( which was wednesday). Usually I never can stand being in the house for more than one day but when you're sick you really appreciate it that you have a bed and a couch to lie down. Wednesday night i skipped my night classes took the metro home and lay down immediatey on the couch, so bad i felt because of the fever. Now I am only coughing and have a running rose, half so bad =)

So back to topic, the bf picked me up and we went to Rockland center as usual since it's close to my house. And i just wanted to get some fresh air without having really shopping in my mind but what's the rule again, never try to find something, wait until it comes to you. I was looking for a new bag for school and didn't find any so today at Zara, I spotted one on sale and it was the last one. I was really happy because it was ligth, big and the price tag was reasonable 39.99CAN but to that later. Also I found a simple black dress in XS. Too simple maybe?So that's my adventure and the bf was carrying my bag, coat and scarf while I shopped aha, that's the only use they're for when shopping in my opinion and carrying shopping bags of course! XD Oh and he paid for the bag + dress as valentine's gift yay.So much to abusement.

Zara Dress 19.99$CAN

Zara Bag - on sale for 39.99$CAN but rang up as 29.99$CAN o__O

And another Zara dress from last week


And guess what i've been eating for the last THREE meals, chinese fondu, yes. Tofu + Water Crescent + Mushrooms + transparent Vermicelli = I never get tired of it.It's yummy and you feel like you can't stop eating them. I don't like fish balls, shrimps,squid or meat with it except for lamb for really good beef.

I swear, if it continues like this, I am going to go bankrupt because of Zara.


Anonymous said...

omg i LOVE everything you bought. esp that bag. shopping cures all. haha glad you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

i'm grateful i haven't been sick yet. then again, due to my current situation, i barely go out of my house (WHICH BORES ME SO MUCH!).hope you cure from your cold soon. ;)

love your purchases and lol @ your bf holding all your things! i always feel so bad when my bf follows me around while i shop, i try not to go with him even if he says he doesn't mind. but it's always fun to have his opinion on things!

i love your purchases! zara kills LOL i always want the most expensive stuff in that store. i love your school bag, it's really cool!!

Fruchtzwerg said...

Good bf that he paid for you the dress and bag as Valentine gift :)

I have tried on the last black Zara dress with the studs but it look so ridiculous on me plus it was one size too big.