I took advantage of the 20% + bogo on tops + free shipping and ordered this last week along with my brother's shirts and it came today yay. No more shopping until may, but I have to exchange the footless leggings that I got from Sirens last week. Do they let you exchange if it's a promotion I wonder. I took size M and it's too tight on the calves and everywhere. I feel fat now = \ or they just make it for tiny tiny girls with super skinny legs.
I didn't see the package yet but my mom told me that it came and I'm still on my bed NOW XD. Library day whooo, it's sunny outside.
oooh i got that shirt too!! :D but i got size 6 which is probably waaaaay too big but i couldn't resist. :( it was the smalled size available. mine was just shipped today though (and i ordered like wednesday, seriously). i wanna go shopping but i don't have the meaaaaaaans uuuurgh
Haha, we have the same shirt now yay. I got it in size four, it's still lose meeh. It's sheer and light and soft, good for summer I guess. It came all wrinkled though T___T.
oh no the 4 is loose on you?? i think i'm a bit bigger than you though... but eeehhh if anything i hope i'll be able to take in the sides. >.< can you press your shirt to remove the wrinkles?? i was happy to find this one because all the ones i see in stores are wrinkled (like at zara, but now you're telling me that it came all wrinkled... lol...
I ironed it and I hate ironing!=O I think it'll be fine with a belt or something with size 6 on you.
You have a library day ..
I want my time to be as organized ..
I try going to the library, but do you go by yourself ? or with like friends ?
cause i don't like going by myself :S
I'm used to go alone to the library now. Well it's like 3 minutes walk from my house and I still have the laptop & net so it's not really bad studying alone.I find that you're more productive than studying with friends actually.
Yeah it is .
But how did you fit that into your schedule?
I mean, by the looks of your blog, you seem REALLY busy Ahahahahha .
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