So I have nothing better to do than nrowsing Gmarket and saw those bags, they're ridiculously cheap. If I only know hot to order from there. How do you know how much shipping it will be? Some experienced Gmarketers out there? Heeeeeeeeeeelp. I heard that the shipping cost kills.
The quality of the bags doesn't look bad either.

i live in hawaii and the shipping cost for my gmarket order was ~30$. i ordered 2 tops, 1 skirt, 2 pairs of earrings and a hat.
and as you might already know, they calculate shipping by weight and they almost always overestimate the total weight, so they give you back the amount that they overcharged after they ship your order. sorry if i can't explain well lol.
^ like above commenter says.
when you make an account on global gmarket, you're able to add items to your cart and they will estimate a shipping fee for you right away. pretty neat actually! i've been meaning to order but haven't had the chance yet. :(
@thisisyoursignal: I think I get what you're trying to explain so the overcharged shipping fees will be credited back to your account for your next order...or they give it back to you. Whatever works!Thanks ^^
30$ for only 5 items is pretty expensive i find. I hope they gave you back the overcharged amount!
@hanako: I'm wondering if shipping is less when you order more items!I'll try to do a simulation order lol...
Posting is definitely cheaper in bulk, trust me.
If you order, let me know, I've been trying to get my credit card to work, but it's been massive epic failure doom. :[
(but yeah, let me know if you intend to order, I would love to lessen the shipping fee ;)
what kind of help do you need?
I'm from Manila and I've bought from gmarket about twice now and it's pretty cheap (because I just bought albums, so it's not very heavy)
Though I guess the basic thing is to open the site in Internet Explorer. lol
@Sophia: I'll tell you if I decide to order =D!
And your credit card is just doing you a favor, let it rest for a while lol.
@lovestylefree: It's just that the item descriptions are all in Korean so you have to make sure to choose the right item I guess and the many gift images are soo annoying. I don't find Gmarket very user friendly.
Hi Guys ,
I'm really interested to buy some items at gmarket , but i'm just scared quality wont be good ( for items such as jewelry, purses, clothes.. ) So if anyone has bought those stuff, please let me know (: Thank you!
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