Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Order with me? yes? yes?

Someone wants to order Zipia with me? They lowered their minimum purchase to 300$ [which is still a lot ] until August 31th. I have no idea what to get though.


hanako said...

i've been wanting to order a bit too but there's nothing really interesting...

saturn said...

I wanted to order a blazer but there's not much choice now, I'll wait then = D. I tried some at Zara, but size small is still too big for me =\.

hanako said...

wow you must be tiny girl LOL

peachqueen said...

hey hanako, I want to buy stuff from zipia too!!!!!! So, I guess we can order together?? but, how much r u gonna buy?

koalabear said...

uhm, i kind of want to order from
zipia with you but i don't know
how it will turn out?

Dylan said...

shiet. you must be really small *jealous*

i wanna order but i dont have a credit card and parents are crazy about my buying things online.
=_=" also i dont want to pay service fee if i order from soompi members.

i will order with you!!!~

Isabella L said...

hey i'll order with you!