About the sale, each time they have different products and the prices are about 50% off retail prices. L'oreal and Maybeline products are especially really really cheap. Like for example: 1.25$ eye shadow, eye liner, blushes, lipsticks, foundation,etc. They also have Biotherm, Vichy, Kiehls as well as Lancome skin products.
As my favourite moisturizer isn't there this time anymore, I tried something new, the Vichy Normaderm Acne Prone Skin. It claims to "resorbs blemishes, tightens pores, evens out the complexion". I just hope I won't break out aha. I have acne prone skin and break out really really easily. The 50ml bottle costs me 6 bucks, no idea how it retails in stores. I thought it was pretty cheap and took a few to stock up aha.

l'oreal eyeshadows: $1.25 each, l'oreal black express eye liners: $1.25 each, Maybeline nail polishes: $1.50 each, Maybeline mineral blushes: $1.50 each, Biotherm biosensitive spring mist: $5.75, Kiehls tinted moisturizer $16, Vichy Normaderm $6 each. Vichy Bi-White Reveal: $18, LA ROCHE-POSAY - EFFACLAIR face wash - $7.75. too lazy to list the others!
Also I bought those L'oreal Hip Jelly Balms for 4$ each, i have an obsession with lipbalms, especially those in pots! This one smells really really good, is not sticky and not sparkly or too shiny either. I like it so far. Bought three of them, in case i keep losing them.

I always forget to take pictures inside the warehouse whenever I go because I'm always too excited once I got in, next time!
they have la roche posay products too?! i've been wanting to try the effaclar line but it's too damn expensive. :( man i wanna go, no invite sniff
I didn't know what la roche posay products was aha, so ignorant. I should have take more maybe =___=. They also had creams stuff. Ask someone who has an invite and tag along!! The sale is still going on til the end of this month!
yay! so i still have time maybe LOL i hope not everything will be gone by the time i go... if i do go... i only got interested in la roche posay recently, their products have a lot of scientific stuff behind them... effaclar is apparently a good line for acne-prone, combination to oily skin, which is exactly me, hence i wanna try! :D do a review on your cleanser haha
ooooh i loove warehouse sales!! i got a pair of tickets to the invite only mac/estee lauder warehouse sale last summer.... everything was soo cheap!!
i was planning on taking pictures once i got in tooo buuuut never happened... i know exactly how you feel about getting too excited lol
Oh wow you only bought the vichy normaderm for $6, I buy them here in canada for $30. It worked for me, my skin is really sensitive and is pronce to acne and recommend this to everyone =D
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