Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ASOS 20% off coupon!

Enter coupon code ASOSINSTYLE to get 20% off at Asos.com , includes sale items wooot. Ends February 28th 2010. Why did I order before, well I can order again I guess! I'm browsing but don't find anything that I really like .

Off topic, I passed by Zara today, nothing's left boo. Oh and the Zara in downtown Montreal is doing renovations in the men and kids section now and the woman section is going to be on renovation starting February 1st if i remember correctly. I feel like I'm stalking Zara...I think the security guy remembers my face consider how many times I went there in the last few weeks.


Christine said...

there's tons of things i want from asos but i'm on a shopping ban. T__T

wouldn't it be great if zipia sometimes did sales haha -_-

Christine said...

this is hanako btw hahaha

saturn said...

I know, I would go on a spree if Zipia did...but the pricing of their item is weird, some are super cheap and some are overpriced I find.

Btw, i saw u in school yesterday! Youou were going to the subway.Around 2:40pm =D!

Christine said...

hm?? you saw me? XD was that on tuesday or wednesday? tuesday it's highly possible but wednesday i wasn't anywhere near school!