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Friday, January 22, 2010

Asos Sale!

Instead of doing the assignment, I'm doing what I'm best at...shopping of course! I only wanted the quilted bag but since I had to pay the flat shipping fee anyway, why not add other things just for the heck of it? And I can't believe how much I spent at  Zara in the last few weeks! Will show you my purchases later. And tomorrow I'm finally getting my Zipia items from the December survey. At least I kept that money to pay the survey safe and sealed  in an envelope aha. I don't know how to snap out of it, blame it on the sales.


anne said...

ooooh thats actually not bad at all! you got everything for a good price sooo really youre "saving" ;)


samual james said...

great offers , you can save money
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Life is Beautiful said...

I am also very much fond of shopping but I want to do it always in a cheap way

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