Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What was left in 2009

Hello hello, how was everyone's winter break. Mine has been good, eating a lot and spending time with friends and the bf. That's all what I did during my 2 weeks of winter break. Not much of shopping surprisingly but I don't really miss it. Still waiting for Zara for more reductions, you know the drill!

You thought this was my dog huh, I wish! This is Polaris, my friend's dog. She's a husky and is only 6 weeks old ( well she was, she should be much bigger now). My friend brought her over to my house on X-Mas and everyone was so in love with her. She sleeps all the time and in every position you can imagine!

The rose cardigan is the only thing I got from H&M on their Boxing day. There weren't many choices.

UO's boxing day was crazy, the line to pay was long, the store was chaotic so I decided to come back the next day instead and this is what I got. Suede bag $19.99, Skirt $5 and floral tank for $10. The floral tank is actually a body but since i didn't try it on in store I only noticed it when I got home. I wear it as a normal top, it works.

This is a purchase I made after work at Simons. I really like the blazer because it's really really soft and comfortable since it's made of cotton. It was on sale for $19.99 and in size M, kind of big for me but it was there was no small left.
And those stuff I got quite a long time ago already during the UO & Costa Blanca sale. The skirt doesn't fit me if i put shirts inside aha. I feel fat now. I think I'm the only one who doesn't try on things in store before buying?

For everyone who's starting a new semester, have a good one! I'm so glad it's my last one, can't wait to finish school.


Bakkanekko said...

And I love the leggings *w*

anne said...

looove the second pic!! circle scarves = love! i got one of the humongous ones at h&m recently anddd i wear it all the time... my bf calls it my "security blanket" cuz it's sooo big lol

i dont try on things when shopping either!! im just too lazy lol


Bella said...

awesome post! loved it!
