Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Saturday, March 6, 2010

one centimetre above the ground

It's been over a month since I didn't blogged, shame on me. I've been wearing my Zipia sweaters to death because they're just comfy and easy to wear. I don't really dress up anymore. Just jeans & hoodie for school aha. Today is friday, means volleyball time yay. I have a belly so I have to burn some calories but it doesn't help you eat late in chinatown after doing sports. Fat burnt < Fat gained. I love the food there even if you want to drink tons of water after because of the MSG. I love saltcand pepper anything, pork chop, chicken, shrimp, serve it and I'll eat it all. And of salt and pepper tofu!

It's springish weather outside since the snow melted away but for me, it's still frigging cold! I only wore one layer of leggigs today and I was freezing and people start to wear skirts already. I'll never get it.

Sweater/ Dress: H&M, Scarf: H&M; Bag:Asos, Leggings: Asos, Booties: Zara

I bought these Zara booties during the sale season and they're really comfy to wear since it's only like 1cm heel? Can you even call it heels?


Christine said...

glad to see you are still blogging! :D
what a cuuuuuuute outfit! i love it! with the pink (beige?) sweater, it's so springy! where's your blazer from??

saturn said...

The blazer is from Zara from last summer =D!

Miss Queenie said...

loveeee the look hun!! and you are rocking those booties!! =]