Korean Fashion, Korean Skincare/Makeup Reviews, Clothing Sales and Deals

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

About being flat...

It sucks sometimes when you're flat because even small doesn't fit you like this rose tank top from H&M's Garden Collection. I have to pull it up like every two minutes or you'll see the bra aha.

How is everyone? I said bye bye to school F.O.R.E.V.E.R , it's official now, got all my grades, passed them all which I didn't expect honestly. I've been lucky. Does the real life start now? I don't know, I'm a lil bit scared, giving myself some time to find a job, not in a huge hurry though. Just enjoying things now like the beautiful weather today!

                                           Everything is H&M, except for Jeans are from Zara.


be.aoi said...

that top is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

The top is beautifuL! Congrats on graduating... you should travel the world before getting a full time job =)

Christine said...

congrats on graduating! i have so many years left... -_- i agree that you should travel before working. ;)

you have the cutest items! that top is gorgeous and so is that jacket. you know having boobs causes a lot of problems too... -_- your girls show no matter what and people stare sighs

saturn said...

@be.aoi Thanks!I'm so glad i found it as it was sold out at H&M.

@Mishi Thank you. Yaa, I'm planning to go to Asia this summer, hope it works out.

I'm jealous of your girls lol XD! I hope your 1st semester at Concordia went well.

evaschiffer27 said...

Congratulations. Its okay if you feel that your flat or looks so thin what is important is you know how to accept the beauty of yourself. You love fashion right? , well that would be the start for your gorgeous looking.And then when you go ahead and started to live with it, go for wholesale apparel and let the world know that you exist.

Anonymous said...

nautical blazer and the romantic top is really cute together!

Unknown said...

cute stuff! Check out what I just got from this site. Its a little different but its going to go great in the summers. I can't wait for my order to come in from Tashaan.net
Everything is decently priced too!


Elisa ♥ said...

i like the jacket <33

btw.u i followed you ^^ follow me back?

Not a Paper Cup said...

what a sweet blog! :)

Yes, life does start now..but it only gets better and better!! :)

Sour girl said...

love your blog (:

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Unknown said...

I know how you feel. I'm in the same position as you. D: But I'm sure you'll find some way to work it ;)

I love your outfit! It's very pretty and everything compliments each other well.

And congrats on graduating!


Angeline said...

I absolutely love love love your blog. Its my daily dose of fashion and I admire for this. Its fresh, unique, and very informative. What sets it apart from the rest is that I'm getting info that I wouldn't get otherwise out of a fashion magazines!!! Love it...Take Care

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