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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Not a good day?

It's getting coooold outside now if you where I am right now -4 and tights aren't recommended but i still went with it today. =__=; I didn't thought that we would be outside a lot but heck,the wind makes the cold a thousand times worse especially when you're standing outside on the highest part of the city.

Oh and I went to see Saw V with friends today and it was crap.I don't know if it wasn't in the mood or it's the movie by itself but then again, that's another complete different story that I don't to bore you...Also I was literally starving so it didn't help to enjoy the movie.

View from top of the world...

I'm debuting my new Zara Coat, I love it but it's not warm enough =(. Layer,layer,layer!

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